
WC Community of Practice: Resourcing After School

The first COP of 2022 will be on a theme that is forever at the forefront of our minds – how do we mobilise resources to support our work? We will hear from various players in the sector as to how they have mobilised in-kind resources, gained sponsorship, leveraged SETA funds, and scaled-up their operations. … Read more

Impacting Lives beyond South Africa: the conversation with Sixolile Mabombo continues

Sixolile Mabombo, TLT’s new Board Chairperson dove into a 2-hour long chat with us. In Part 2 of our conversation, we dig a little deeper. We uncover her thoughts on, the best fundraising models for the After School sector; the biggest lessons she’s learned whilst working in the sector; plus, her vision and bold plans for The Learning Trust.

WC CoP: ASPs for Academic Catch-up

In the aftermath of several countrywide lockdowns we are seeing many quintile 1-3 schools remaining partially closed, significant learning losses, and an alarming school drop-out rate. The Department of Basic Education recently announced a 3-year ‘catch-up’ plan to address learning backlogs. This final CoP of 2021 will seek to better understand this ‘catch-up’ terminology, hear … Read more

‘ASAP in the Park’ Makhanda Event

This is an opportunity for the After School community to network, connect, distress and participate in some mindfulness exercises. Mindfulness exercises by Professor Krueger, HoD at Rhodes Uni- Drama Department.

GP Community of Practice: ‘Learner Recruitment & Retention’

Over the last two years, COVID-19, school platooning, programme closures, and the continued apprehension of in-person After School sessions have negatively impacted learner attendance in many After School Programmes. The Learning Trust invites you to explore learner recruitment and retention strategies. We will also look at the role that parents and schools can play, and … Read more

Directors’ Circle

All Directors in the After School sector are invited to attend the Directors’ Circle. A co-constructed space to connect, teach and learn with your leadership peers in an engaging and safe environment.   Previous Circle’s have covered personal, organisational, and sectoral topics such as motivation, organisational culture, leadership transformation, funding, and more. The space is … Read more

Investing in the sustainable future of South African youth

The After School sector offers a diversity of programmes, models, and focus areas that are all united by a common goal: to enable learners to thrive and succeed. Given the belief that our future is in the hands of our youth, it is reasonable to expect that the investments put into education actually result in quality learning outcomes for youth.

Ikasi Soccer School

#AfterSchoolYouthLeaders – Dumisani Ntsodo: Ikasi Soccer School

Dumisani Ntsodo is the Founder and Director of Ikasi Soccer School. He was inspired to create opportunities of access for young girls in Khayelitsha to prosper and succeed’. Dumisani gathered his peers to visit different schools introducing a programme that develops and empowers young girls to reach their full potential. Upon completing his CAF license, Dumisani saw an opportunity to use soccer to drive his concept whilst introducing the importance of sports in lower-quintile schools. His main role in the organisation includes fostering strategic partnerships and seeking local funding opportunities.

Established in Khayelitsha (2018), Ikasi Soccer School’s mission is to assist educators, parents and learners by providing a safe after-school program that enables young girls to be independent and become better citizens through soccer, academic support and life-skills. The programme is implemented by volunteer coaches through training sessions that take place three times a week and once on weekends. Currently, Ikasi Soccer School impacts 85 girls from 4 partner schools.

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Mihandzu Learning

#AfterSchoolYouthLeaders – Khanya Memela: Mihandzu Learning

Khanya Memela is the passionate Founder and Managing Director of Mihandzu Learning. She is a qualified Charted Accountant from the University of Witwatersrand. Her After School journey all started with offering academic support to learners from child-headed homes in the area of Ivory Park. In her role as Managing Director, her focus is to lead the fundraising, strategy and sustainability efforts of the organisation.

Mihandzu Learning is a non-profit organisation with focus on improving poor performance in under-resourced schools by providing After School academic support for high school learners. Since 2016, this youth led organisation has served over 2500 learners running after school classes in Maths, IT and Career Guidance. Their programmes serve approximately 250 learners on a weekly basis who are tutored by university students.

We caught up with Khanya Memela to find out what being a youth leader in the After School sector means to her.

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